Faculty Award FAQs

What makes a successful nomination?

It is essential that the original letter of nomination succinctly and cogently “make the case” for that nominee relative to the specific award. The committee is interested in the special and distinctive attributes this candidate presents relative to the particular award.

If a faculty member was considered last year, will he or she automatically be considered again?

No. No permanent files are maintained on the nominees or finalists. To have the same individual considered again, a new nomination (nominating letter + CV + 2 reference letters) must be made in accordance with this process.

Is it appropriate to discuss specific nominees with members of the Faculty Awards Committee?

Address any questions to the Chair of the Faculty Awards Committee (Professor Gonghu Li, at gonghu.li@agmjbl.com or call 862-0607).

What happens if a member of the Faculty Awards Committee is nominated?

If the committee member declines nomination, he or she remains involved in all actions of the committee. If, however, the committee member accepts nomination, he or she is removed from the committee (for one year) and is replaced by another faculty member.

What happens if a member of the Faculty Awards Committee nominates a colleague?

Nomination by a member of the committee is prohibited as a condition of membership.

What happens if a faculty member from the same academic department (or division at UNHM) as a member of the Faculty Awards Committee is nominated?

The member of the Faculty Awards Committee from the department or unit will not participate in considering the nominees for an award when another member of his or her academic department/unit has been nominated for a specific award.

The Faculty Awards Committee solicits nominations and endorses self-nomination as one strategy to ensure that all who should be considered are considered.

Is it appropriate to use letters and other materials originally generated during promotion and/or tenure review to provide the additional information requested on semi-finalists?

No. Doing so would be a violation of university policy related to materials generated for promotion and/or tenure review.

If I want additional information, whom should I contact?

The Chair of the Faculty Awards Committee serves without vote and is available to assist nominators and answer questions concerning the process. Contact Professor Gonghu Li at 862-0607 or gonghu.li@agmjbl.com.